Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Almost Out!!

Well, I am now only waiting for my neutrophils to come up. My white blood cells are high enough to get me out of here and the fever seems to be gone, so all I need is a few more neutrophils and I am outta here and back to Clark!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Last Time (For REAL.... I Hope)

Hello once again!
Sorry I haven't updated this in a while. I'm sure Laurie has kept all family members well informed, but just in case, and for everyone else, here's an update:
I am back in Strong Memorial for a few more days because of the neutropenic fevers caused by the last chemo. I got my port removed because the doctors thought it was infected. We don't know if they were right or wrong, but my fevers have gone down a LOT. In fact, I haven't had one in over 24 hours, which is GOOD GOOD GOOD. Last weekend I think I had a fever as high as 105.5 which, until then, I didn't know was possible.
My counts are slowly coming up and as soon as they're safe, I am outta here and back to Clark (yes Laurie, MA. YAY!!). Nothing else has been happening, I miss Clark U and I want to go back... That about sums it up. See you (family) at Hanukkah!
Much love,

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Neutropenia Strikes Again

Hi again!
As you may have guessed by the title of this post, I am neutropenic again! No fresh foods (including peaches and sushi, my two favorite foods), no germy areas, no crowded places... Basically, I get to sleep, do homework and hang out at home all day long.
Anyway, there's not a whole lot to update people on. I got two units of red blood cells transfused today and platelets on Monday. Tomorrow I go in to get blood drawn for labs. This will happen every Monday and Thursday until my counts are back up.
One last thing: my hair is growing back!! You can see a little color now. It's still got a ways to go, but right now I'm past the peach fuzz and on to the baby's hair phase. This is exciting! I'm still wearing hats and headscarves (and setting a new fad at Clark U) but soon I will be sporting a pixie cut. Hopefully by December when I see all you family members I will have a decent head of hair. I don't think there are many pictures of me without hair (thank god), but if, and only IF I have enough hair by Hanukkah, I will allow the family paparazzi to shoot all they want.
Much love,

P.S. Grandma, the website did help. Thank you!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Back to I-Town

I'm back in Ithaca and about to lose my immune system for what I hope is the last time. Staying on top of school has been alright so far. The professors e-mail me work when they can and I have been reading the textbooks to keep up.
Other than that, there's not much going on here. We are going crazy trying to sanitize the house again and maybe this time I won't get sick.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Last Consolidation!

Hello once again!
After spending ten amazing days at Clark U, I had to return to Rochester for my final round of consolidation chemo. I will return to Clark in about a month and I can't wait!! We are taking every precaution and more to keep me out of the hospital once my counts are down including complete house arrest (fun fun fun). Luckily I have a loving cat at one house and a playful dog at the other to keep me busy when friends (WHO HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONTAGIOUS HEALTH ISSUES) cannot make it over to visit, most likely because of school. I also have my own schoolwork to keep my mind working. My professors at Clark are aware of my condition and are e-mailing class notes and assignments to me while I'm away. Speaking of which, does anyone know anything about egyptian fractions?
Anyway, I am trying REALLY REALLY REALLY hard to stay healthy this time.