Hi all!! I recently remembered amidst preparation for finals (next week... eek!) and school that I haven't blogged in a while. Obviously this blog will turn into an ordinary blog, seeing as I hopefully will never have to deal with cancer again (although I am dealing with an ear infection at the moment... icky), so I will not be offended if anyone unsubscribes, in fact, I don't think I will know if you unsubscribe because the website has no way of telling me who is subscribed in the first place!
Anyway, I thought I'd post a picture of me and my new head of hair! Usually it's curly, but I straightened it. Also, there's one more with a special effect that I really liked... I couldn't resist. ;-)
I will be finishing up the semester soon. This week is the last week of classes, and I plan to head home on the first and celebrate my 19th birthday in Ithaca with some close friends and family. Summer is almost here, and I got my job of choice at Stewart Park Day Camp as a boating assistant, so I recently had to get my CPR certification updated. I also got my First Aid certification, and I still have my lifeguarding certification. I figured, with all of my medical problems from last summer, I might as well know what they are/how to handle them in case I or another person needs it.
To all you nurses at Strong: I REALLY hope I can visit you all this summer!! I might just surprise you all and stop by some weekend. :-) Bet you won't recognize me with my hair this way!!
To my Ithacans: I miss you all and hope to see you over the summer. Let me know if you'll be in town. I'm trying to make up for a missed summer last year, so you'll most likely find me at Second Dam (I'll be the one covered in sunscreen) or on the commons enjoying the sun as much as I can (and as much as my parents will allow) when I'm not at work, that is.
To my family: I will be SO busy this summer because Caley asked me to help plan hers and Greg's wedding! Don't worry, I'll do a good job. Ooooh! I love parties!! I'm very excited. :-D
Much love,