hey everyone!! it's actually me, marika this time. i'm back out of the ICU and SOOO ready to go home... the doctors say that if there are no more complications, i could be out of here on friday. i feel fine even though my voice is still hoarse but i miss everyone to DEATH and cannot wait to get back to ithaca.
sorry about not posting the last few days. was very sedated and i don't really remember much from it, but thank you janet for keeping everyone posted and updated. all the support has really helped.
as an update on the hair: cassie jenis discovered a new talent of hers as she helped me trim down and gave me an extremely cute haircut, unfortunately, it's obviously still coming out. i've got a few hats and wigs for when i decide to just shave it off or whatever and i should be back in ithaca and showing them off soon.
anyway, i'm back to eating solid foods :D so that's good news. i miss everyone/everything about home and hopefully i'll be seeing everyone soon. good luck with the final week of classes IHS!!
much love,